The Flickering Unicorn
Finally! It’s here! The full Instructable for the Flickering Unicorn! This was a fun little project post-wedding dress construction. This unicorn costume employs eTextile sensor construction techniques to control the behavior of the RGB LED horn. The mane is a stroke sensor constructed from conductive and non-conductive yarn using a loop stitch technique. By stroking […]
eTextile Summer Camp 2016 in Photos
Another lovely high-flying summer at Paillard 🐓❤️ eTextile Summer Camp Happenings Softopia Discussion Exhibition Fictional eTextiles Focus Group
E-Textile Swatch: Rose Resistance
Decorative elements can play an integral role as sensors in smart garments. The rose is a ubiquitous form of ornamentation across many craft practices, especially in crochet. My goal is to explore one technique for three dimensional sensor construction in the form of a crochet rose. Made with a combination of resistive, conductive, and wool […]
Sensor Mechanics: Lacing
Documentation for e-Textile Summer Camp swatches. More coming soon!! Go here for now. Schematic files for Silhouette Studio: Swatch_schematic_Lacing
Family Maker Day at WNYC’s Greene Space
A family that makes together has more fun together. On Saturday, April 25, Team Blinky hosted its first Family Maker Day in the Greene Space with Note to Self, formerly New Tech City. The event was a huge success! We had over 70 kids and adults in attendance, working together to make simple circuits out […]
POV Fan Prototype
This project centers around a collection of computationally and electronically enhanced hand fans, which function as props for a speculative storytelling process called “hacking historical objects”. These handcrafted objects carry with them an embedded narrative, which the “hacking” process aims to access and recontextualize. The modified fans are designed to present a new potential future […]