Family Circuit Debuts!
Check out the video here!! Totally at the end of a long day but still happy with it 🙂 //This is me pwuu ppweuu-ing. Cause I can control electricity. BOOM.
Burning Man Workshop
Prototype for upcoming BM workshop at Camp Chakralicious. Come augment your fav Burner Wear or make something new with me on Thursday morning!
Adipose Plushie
Who doesn’t love these adorable Dr. Who alien babies? Press one arm for red, the other for blue, or combine for magenta. Study for webseries project. Here’s a quick visual overview of the process:
Stress Sensing Apron
I love a good excuse for a project. Not only because I love making things, but I like designing experiences and if they have deadlines and an audience, even better. This project was specifically designed for me to wear at our Cooking with Hardware panel. After a few TeamBlinky conversations around personal data, bio-sensing, and […]
Welcome to the Pressure Sensor Matrix
Learning how to make your own pressure sensor is something of a mind bending moment. If you are of the physical computing persuasion, you are normalized to quarter-sized force sensing resistors. Once you come across the magical fabric of velostat, the size (and possibilities) of pressure sensors grow exponentially. A welcome mat, for instance, enters […]
Component Star Sculpture
I took a break yesterday, stepping out from under a semi-stifling mound of work to engage in a lovely exercise of symmetry and repurposing. Here is what emerged:
Five Video Games Your Middle Schooler Should Be Playing (Plus a Bonus One)
Here is an article I recently published for New Tech City, a podcast from WNYC, called Five Games Your Middle Schooler Should Be Playing. Many of these picks came out of conversations with my fellow game designers about the idea of “juicy” games – games that provide endless opportunity space for creation within them. Enjoy! […]